I watched my old friend on “Dreamland Podcast” last night with Mary and I really enjoyed seeing Whitley interviewing a great guest. I most of all enjoyed watching him enjoy himself doing something he loves very much. He laughed a lot and we all do because this whole subject matter gets so ridiculous sometimes you just have to. We often think when it comes to higher beings from the stars that it’s all heavy and enlightened. But the truth is the reality of us humans is to do things we always have in life regardless of the situation. And this should never discount the validity of any experience or encounter.
I say this because his guests was a very kind man named Preston Dennett. He’s a great researcher of this phenomenon and he’s been doing the research for a very long time. His recent book, “Humanoids and High Strangeness” was discussed on the show. One of the first cases Whitley and Preston discussed was one that took place in 1947. A man riding his moped saw a larger saucer sitting on the road as if it was waiting for him. There was a door open on the metallic saucer and a ramp. Tall humanoid beings stood at the open door and beckoned him to come aboard. Did he get off his moped and just walk up? No he road his moped up the ramp and into the saucer. Absurd? Religious? Perhaps but funny as hell and it really happened. We too easily discount some of the stories out there because to us they seem too far fetched. Too far fetched like an impossible universe with life in it and thinking breathing beings that are sell aware floating among the stars in the vastness of space? Us?
There were many other things in the show that really caught my attention. Whitley and I over a glass of wine talked about these very same things many years ago late one night.
1. Coming to Earth. We could both member a time of consciousness before being on Earth, in fact we could remember coming to earth and into our mothers womb. I can remember this and I also remembered my first day in school very well as if it happened yesterday. I was terrified as to what had happened to me. I knew something was wrong. As I looked around the room at the kids there and the teacher I felt trapped out of time and my element. I remember my exact thoughts. This is wrong. This is a mistake. I’m not supposed to be here. And the last one is a doosie, I’m not one of these things.
2. Preston also talked about many experiencers having an Eidetic memory. Whitley and Mary have often said to me I have a very good memory and I do go back to every memory as is I was there. I can go back to my very first experience with the Visitors and I’m there in every detail. I was unaware that people with these experiences were prone to this ability.
3. Mother Bug? Preston talked about how close encounters witnesses have related to this tall pale large eyed being telling the witness that I am your mother. This has happened to me too. She has the appearance of a large insect to many with her large rap around slanted eyes resembling that of a praying mantis. She is always a she. Speaks directly to us, takes charge of the smaller grays and will tell you that she is your mother. My feeling about this has always been that she is family and we go back very far in time in our relationship. I remember her outside my crib.
Preston went on to talk about how this experience runs in the families and it does. It certainly has in mine. On both sides in fact. My mother never talked about it to me until the last few years of her life and then she opened up. She found out about this because she saw me on a talk show one day talking about my experience. She told me she saw me and it went on from there. All this time I thought she didn’t know but she knew all along what was happening to me and quiet about it her whole life. What she told me changed my world.
On my fathers side there was my grandfather and he had the experiences to but was laughed at by my grandmother and the rest of the family. They thought he was just a crazy Irishman with tall tales of leprechauns and banshees. But he never said he saw leprechauns, he saw little people. And he told me about them and we experienced a UFO one night together I have never forgot.
There is a great deal more that was present in my family about all this. I could write another book about it but I’ll stop here. As long as I have been involved with this subject it never ceases to amaze me.
This is why Mary and I started “Breaking the Silence”. It’s time our voices were heard and heard well. We are up against a ticking clock and the insane are trying to destroy our world and at this moment they are doing just that. People need to know that there’s something more to their existence and you and I have the power to do this. We need to be self empowered.
Come forward. Tell you experience. Let us have a million voices crying out and telling the truth of their stories, “We are not alone”. It’s a beginning to a new world.
About the Mother bug is similar to what I recall with such clarity as though it just happened 58 years ago. When I asked them “why did you take me from my sleeping bag?” They impressed me with “the Light is the joy we (they) feel. You are in the Light.” Here samples were taken and I was returned on top of sleeping bag. A sound within my head saying “wake up” where I opened my eyes to see a craft above the water filled creek slowly start with flashing red and blue lights to a slow moving glowing white fog engulfed the craft. It darted straight up and darted onto the horizon. Their reason why me is because of what some call an enlighten experience months before they took me at the age of fifth teen. This light experience was so overwhelming with my body having a glow all around it and my vision of a diamond sparkling seated image above me. I had no religious training nor any knowledge of such an experience let alone seeing this glowing craft and the relationship until a regression 17 years later. You mention eidetic memory and there are memories so vivid that at times it just happened so clearly. What you believe as the meaning of life is for each to discover their gift for life on their own. What helped explain these experiences was the Bible stories not any religious institution to explain who the author of our future is to continue the creation of Life with truth. From only a witnesses to the Light that dwells within us all. We are all special with no one greater than the living light that dewells within all us.