Mansfield Ohio October 18th 1973- art by Steve Neill
In light of all the lies and gaslighting that has been occurring as of late by the Pentagon , ARRO, NASA, Aerospace and some elected officials of our government. You are being told about the rise in abduction cases (how do they know they are abductions? Abduction is a dirty word in my vocabulary) and so are sightings. They are also telling us they could be a threat. In Fact they are telling the public they are a threat. If anything we are the threat. And if "they" were a threat we wouldn't be having this conversation now.
Over 70 % of the cases I know of (even George Knapp's research shows the similar numbers) people see this contact as positive. The same message occurs over and over. Stop making nuclear bombs, stop war, stop killing one another, stop destroying your own planet and connect with nature and the cosmos. It's true and what the opposing side is doing is lying to you. And they create fear, anxiety and disconnection. They don't want us to have Communion with these non-human intelligences, they want us to fear them and turn away from them.
And at the same time there are films being made which embrace scientific dogma and they will tell you no matter how far advanced an alien race's technology might be they can't break the laws of physics. No one can. And this from a race of beings (us) that have hardly existed a blink of an eye in the cosmic calendar. Check out the link. We have only been around 59 seconds compared to the overall age of the universe.
Science in the past has said so many times that certain ideas and concepts would never be able to be realized. This is not to say I am opposed to science. I am not and I even admire it. I grew up in a family surrounded by scientists. But some of them are not open minded enough to change as new information and data arises. They dare not change their beliefs and understandings. Unfortunately many of them have high visibility publicly and they spin the narrative with their cult like dogma. And this is dangerous and wrong.
As Gary Nolan recently said and I quote, “That’s not how a scientist operates,” Nolan says. “If you take a potential solution off the table and you throw it in the garbage, you could spend the rest of eternity searching around on the table for the answer, and you threw it in the garbage.”
Our knowledge of physics is forever changing. Can't is one of their favorite worlds. "They can't get here from there". You can't go faster than the speed of light." I'll say this. If it can be imagined then it can in time be achieved. That's how consciousness works. And that goes for anything. "Imagination is the power of creation."
Mary and I watched last night a film on Netflix called, "The UFO Movie They Don't Want You To See". But you do need to see it so you can see how these people are trying to lie to the public and convince us there is absolutely no evidence or proof that we are being visited. They denied all the millions of cases, witnesses, video, pictures, physical evidence and more. And they explained it all away as balloons, weather anomalies and the usual. They denied the eye witness testimony of qualified pilots and other professionals. They imply that they didn't know what they were seeing and only wanted it to be an alien craft. These scientists don't have the expertise of these witnesses. And the best part of all? They weren't there. They didn't experience it. So how can these people call it? They can't.
You are being lied to. Don't take to heart the things they are trying to convince you of. Follow your heart, your gut. It won't steer you wrong. This is an event of consciousness and nature. You are connected to it and it to you. We have every right to embrace who we are and our connection to all the knowledge nature and the cosmos has to offer because you are its child.
Look up! Question authority and research for yourself. That's real power.
Thanks Steve. I do suspect there are positive and negative entities, and the positive entities may rein in some of the negative entities actions but possibly even still allow them to operate based on people's freewill choices or deceit by negative entities. I recently discovered the Law of One / Ra Material which is really interesting. your experience and question authority!